


12/09/2022 来自uw新闻

One in every four 校本 students is international; they come to the United States, 和uw, 出于各种原因. 给拉尔斯·威廉姆斯, 他是荷兰人,将于周六获得MBA(金融专业)学位。, the initial connection was through the 校本 men’s soccer program. Willems remembers that choosing 校本 “just felt very good from the beginning.”


12/06/2022 来自uw新闻

大学生们知道,除了学习和表现出对所选职业的全力学习的承诺之外, extra steps to establish themselves as leaders in their fields are just as important. Attending a conference about leadership is an excellent opportunity to do just that, 所以当布里特尼·埃尔南德斯, 会计学的研究生, 有机会去匹兹堡参加管理会计师协会(IMA)学生领导会议吗, 她扑了上去.



10/28/2022 来自uw新闻

Dr. Adesegun Oyedele, coordinator of 校本’s International Business program, Dr. 罗伯特·Saldivar, associate professor of Business Administration, 10月初,14名红衣主教学生乘坐4个小时的巴士前往布朗斯维尔,“通过与女企业主联系,并与她们一起参加体验式学习活动,提高自己的专业能力。.”

Making a Difference and Leaving a 校本 Legacy

10/26/2022 来自uw新闻

uw自豪地宣布这一点, thanks to the generosity of the Beckendorfs, 成立了贝肯多夫家族创新与全球创业中心. 该中心将与工商管理学院(HEBSBA)合作,在威斯康星大学寻找和培养未来的商业领袖.


10/20/2022 来自uw新闻

为美国政府提供建议.S. Government, the World Bank and the United Nations, 校本 Alumnus Dr. 乔纳森·R. 埃弗哈特会计师事务所., MCSI (ms ' 11, dba ' 17), 已迅速成为全球金融创新和科技的领导者.




据博士说. 崔西Driskill, 香港工商管理学院会计学副教授, their recent networking reception and career fair was “extremely successful.在活动期间, hosted by HEBSBA and Career Services in the McCombs Center Rosenberg Sky Room, 164 HEBSBA students had the opportunity to meet with 65 companies.


09/28/2022 来自uw新闻

据博士说. 崔西Driskill, 香港工商管理学院会计学副教授, their recent networking reception and career fair was “extremely successful.在活动期间, hosted by HEBSBA and Career Services in the McCombs Center Rosenberg Sky Room, 164 HEBSBA students had the opportunity to meet with 65 companies.

MBA Student Earns Scholarship from Honors Business Fraternity, Delta Mu Delta


艾丽西亚绅士 is soon to be a 校本 alumna twice over, 她于2011年获得学士学位,目前是H-E-B工商管理学院MBA学生的最后一个学期. 在教室里, 卡巴列罗作为一名领袖脱颖而出, 她被她的前教授杨绛博士描述为“一流的学生和我们学术界值得信赖的领导者”. Trey Guinn, program director of Communication Arts in the School of Media and Design.

MBA Student Earns Scholarship from Honors Business Fraternity, Delta Mu Delta

09/09/2022 来自uw新闻

艾丽西亚绅士 is soon to be a 校本 alumna twice over, 她于2011年获得学士学位,目前是H-E-B工商管理学院MBA学生的最后一个学期. 在教室里, 卡巴列罗作为一名领袖脱颖而出, 她被她的前教授杨绛博士描述为“一流的学生和我们学术界值得信赖的领导者”. Trey Guinn, program director of Communication Arts in the School of Media and Design.

Assistant Professor in HEBSBA Publishes Manuscript

09/02/2022 来自uw新闻

Assistant Professor of Management 信息 Systems Dr. 易刘, in the 校本 H-E-B School of Business and Administration, 在《澳门博彩官网下载》(ITP)上发表了他的手稿《澳门博彩官网下载》。. 刘博士和他的合著者. 唐新林(佛罗里达州立大学), Peigong Li (Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance), 王璇, (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley) on the paper.

Assistant Professor in HEBSBA Publishes Manuscript


Assistant Professor of Management 信息 Systems Dr. 易刘, in the 校本 H-E-B School of Business and Administration, 在《澳门博彩官网下载》(ITP)上发表了他的手稿《澳门博彩官网下载》。. 刘博士和他的合著者. 唐新林(佛罗里达州立大学), Peigong Li (Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance), 王璇, (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley) on the paper.



08/25/2022 来自uw新闻

uw H-E-B工商管理学院(HEBSBA)很高兴宣布2022年创业挑战和商业机会评估证书, sponsored by The Beckendorf Family Center for Innovation and Global Entrepreneurship. 这项挑战对所有校本学生开放,包括本科生和研究生,无论专业或学习项目如何, 还有一些教职员工. Registration is now open and 关闭s on Sept. 9.


Tejanos con Ganas: uw MBA学生在Tejanos文化和商业中发现共同的价值观

06/17/2022 来自uw新闻

The 校本 Leading a Diverse Workforce class, taught by Dr. 特蕾莎修女哈里森, professor and coordinator of 校本’s Management department, invites Master of Business Administration students to take a 关闭r look at diversity, 公平和包容(DEI),以及拥抱多样性如何为所有人创造更好的工作环境. 本课程旨在让商科学生了解他们作为未来商业管理者在减少偏见方面的角色, 改善心理安全,促进工作场所内外的社会公正.


Joining the Family: 校本 Grads Finish MBA Capstone

05/06/2022 来自uw新闻

在道成肉身的大学, there’s a class like no other – the Master of Business Administration Capstone. A course anticipated by MBA students with both excitement and apprehension, 据说顶点体验是一种只有亲身经历过才能真正理解的体验.


Where Everybody Knows Your Name: Beloved Student-Athlete to Cross the Stage

04/29/2022 来自uw新闻

和即将毕业的凯尔·刘易斯(Kyle Lewis)一起在校园里散步要比一般人散步的时间长. 朋友和员工都很熟悉的面孔, 他很难多走几步就不被一个接一个的人和他打招呼的人拦住, 问他周末过得怎么样, or congratulates him on his latest accomplishment.

uw 2022春季学术亮点

04/28/2022 来自uw新闻

随着春季学期的结束, 来自道成肉身的世界大学的学术部门一直在努力工作, wrapping up major projects and celebrating big wins.


Growth, Inspiration and a Family Atmosphere

03/23/2022 来自uw新闻

Like many of the 道成肉身的大学’s international students, Oleksandr Karpenko远离他的祖国乌克兰,有点脱离了他的舒适区. 他于2018年转到威斯康星大学,有机会参加美国一级游泳队的比赛, but he found much more than a way to compete in the pool.

校本 to Celebrate Fourth Annual Day of Giving

03/18/2022 来自uw新闻

每年春天, “澳门博彩官网下载”社区聚集在一起,为“一个目标”而努力——筹集资金来支持现在和未来的校本学生. 校本’s fourth annual Day of Giving, known as “One Word. 一个目标.,将庆祝1881分钟, in honor of the University’s founding year, during Incarnate Word Week beginning 3月 23.


Keller Receives 20 Year Service Award from Texas TRiO Association

02/22/2022 来自uw新闻

Wynette凯勒, director of TRiO Student Support Services at the 道成肉身的大学, 在德州三重奏协会的会议上被授予20年服务奖. 我们采访了凯勒,讨论了她的工作是如何获得回报的,以及它是如何与威斯康星大学的使命相一致的.


02/04/2022 来自uw新闻

由教务长办公室赞助, the 道成肉身的大学 Faculty Senate and University Mission and Ministry, faculty across 校本 were honored with the 2022 Faculty Awards in 1月.



01/28/2022 来自uw新闻

uw很高兴地宣布志愿者所得税援助(VITA)计划的回归. 该项目由美国国税局认证的志愿者向年收入为58美元的家庭提供免费报税服务,并帮助工薪家庭利用他们有资格获得的所有税收抵免. VITA项目由校本 H-E-B工商管理学院(HEBSBA)的教师和学生志愿者参与,帮助准备基础课程, current year tax returns for these eligible taxpayers at no charge.

学生焦点:Kaylah拉赫曼 Q&A

01/20/2022 来自uw新闻

Kaylah拉赫曼, current sophomore and recipient of the 校本 Provost Academic Scholarship, loved the idea of continuing the family legacy at 校本.

A lifetime of Teaching, A legacy of Learning

01/19/2022 来自uw新闻

Dr. 迈克尔·麦奎尔(Michael McGuire)在圣道大学(University of the incarnation Word)担任了31年的经济学教授. He and his wife, Patience, also a retired educator, have established the Dr. Mike McGuire Scholarship Endowment for Mission-Inspired Business Leadership. 300美元的,000美元的捐赠将允许10美元,000 scholarship to be awarded to one business student every year. Recipients of this scholarship must not only show accomplishment in the classroom, but a true understanding of the Mission of 校本.