

由于应对新冠肺炎疫情和保护脆弱的教职员工和学生,2021年向上发展研究学院100%偏远. 尽管如此, 学生能够完成高质量的研究并参与独特的实验室体验.

Each academy is divided into 2 sessions: 我的实验室 and 点研究. 上午的实验室是为9-12年级的学生设计的,每组15名学生轮流学习4门核心STEM课程. Afternoon research is designed specifically for grades 11-12; these students work 关闭ly with faculty to perform a 2-week research project that culminates in a poster and presentation competition at our end of camp symposium. Our 2021 labs and research projects are listed below.



“Agents of Change”: Assessing your Personal Carbon Footprint

It is often difficult to assess our own role in effecting global climate change. How can one person influence the change of temperature in the oceans, melting of icebergs or extinct of life forms that have never been seen. 学生们将讨论是什么设定和影响碳循环,以及气候是如何因二氧化碳排放增加而改变的. 他们将通过使用工具包组件测试目前的碳排放量来评估自己的个人大气. 学生 will subsequently perform selected activities for 6 days and on day 7, 通过实验测试这些活动如何改变它们的碳足迹,从而影响气候.


“我们见过吗?”? ” : Investigating Exposure to Infectious agents

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, 能够识别一个人是否接触过病毒,以及他们如何能够通过产生中和抗体来自然地保护自己,以防止再次感染,这是快速开发COVID疫苗的关键. 在这个实验室里, 学生将从五种不同的传染病病例中选择一种,并扮演临床实验室技术员的角色. They will test simulated patient serums by conducting an immunological test, 酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)用于评估患者是否对其病例中的病原体产生抗体反应.


颜色重要吗?? The Chemistry of Food Colors

Would you eat black ketchup? Do you prefer a specific color M&M even though they all taste the same? 食品的颜色是食品工业的重要组成部分,是由一种叫做染料的化合物决定的. 染料有时是从天然资源中提取的,有时是人工合成的.

The laboratory activity will explore the properties of different types of dyes, extract dyes from various candies, and analyze the types of dyes that are extracted. 学生 will learn laboratory techniques including pipetting, 制作解决方案, and creating and analyzing an agarose gel. 学生们将利用他们的研究结果来讨论食用色素的物理和化学差异.


谁感染了流感病毒? ELISA知道!

Many viruses including the influenza virus is easily passed from person to person. 快速检测潜在感染者体内的病毒对于有效治疗和防止将感染传染给其他人是必要的. With its rapid test results, 酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)对医学甚至农业都产生了积极的影响. ELISA is currently used for detecting pregnancy, disease in animals and plants, 非法使用毒品, 室内空气质量, 还有食物配料.

学生们将通过与其他几个学生分享样本来模拟潜在的病毒接触来开始实验. They will use antibodies to detect an antigen, 就像流感病毒, 以确定哪些学生“感染”了病毒,并努力确定病毒的原始来源.

Project Spark: Light, Sound, Motion in Engineering

In the Engineering Laboratory section of the camp, the students will have the opportunity to study the basic concepts of electrical, 机械和软件工程通过使用Arduino电子原型平台的各种动手项目.

The objectives of the Engineering Laboratory are:

  • To learn how to program electronics using Arduino boards, 它由一个可编程微控制器组成,用于构建数字设备和可以感知和控制物理世界中的对象的交互式对象.
  • 通过创造力和团队合作,培养解决工程问题的能力,探索有趣的现实挑战.
  • To inspire the students to become more skilled in communication, 组织与研究, 这将帮助他们为将来在更高层次的学校教育和工作场所的成功做好准备.

Introduction to electric motors

本课程将向学生介绍电机设计与制造的物理原理. With the help of new technologies and mobile apps, 学生将绘制一个永磁体在空间中不同区域的磁场图,以便了解电机线圈相对于这个永磁体的位置. 以这种方式, 学生将有可能控制磁场下施加于电流的力所涉及的几个参数. 电机线圈的构造将得到协助,以便尽可能快. 使用万用表,学生将能够测量电流并评估施加在线圈上的力. 最后, with the measurements and estimations obtained during this session, the student will be asked to improve the design later on, 第一次数学, 然后实际上.



学生 will create a game prototype using 3D animation and game engine programs. The student will pitch their story and game idea, create 2D and 3D art assets, and build a playable game prototype using a game engine.

Laboratory Experiments in Microbiology.

微生物学是一门研究肉眼无法看到的微小有机体的科学, 比如细菌和真菌. These microorganisms are necessary for life but can also cause infections and diseases. 细菌, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, is part of our normal microbiota and plays an important role in human health. Microorganisms are also used for food and antibiotic production. 另一方面, pathogenic microorganisms are capable of causing disease, such as strep throat caused by Streptococcus pyogenes. Whether studying the beneficial or pathogenic bacteria, 在实验室里有各种各样的技术用来研究这些微生物的生物学特性.

这个研究项目的重点是为学生提供一个有吸引力的实验室体验,并介绍在医学和研究实验室中常用的微生物测定方法. 学生 will perform aseptic technique for the growth and transfer of bacteria, biochemical tests for the identification and characterization of microorganisms, and the Kirby-Bauer method of antibiotic susceptibility testing. 此外,学生将应用这些技术来鉴定未知的微生物.

Removal of Hard Water stains by Common Household Acids.

该项目的目的是确定普通家用酸是否可以用于溶解局部硬水污渍. 美国地质调查局(USGS)将水的硬度定义为水中溶解的钙和镁的含量. 圣安东尼奥, 奥斯丁, 以及它周围的社区以拥有美国最硬的水而闻名, with values consistently over the 150 parts per million as calcium carbonate.

Although hardness is a property of water that is not a health concern, it can lead to several issues in our homes including mineral buildup in plumbing, 固定装置, 还有热水器, and deficient performance of soaps and detergents. 这个研究项目将要求学生测量供水的硬度, 识别他们家中常见的酸并探索这些酸溶解含有钙镁碳酸盐和碳酸氢盐的样品的能力.

Project Sunlight: Development of a UV Tracking and Exposure Measuring Device

In the Engineering Research section of the camp, the students will have the opportunity to study the basic concepts of electrical, 机械和软件工程通过使用Arduino电子原型平台的各种动手项目.

The objectives of the Engineering research are:

  • To learn how to program electronics using Arduino boards, 它由一个可编程微控制器组成,用于构建数字设备和可以感知和控制物理世界中的对象的交互式对象.
  • 通过创造力和团队合作,培养解决工程问题的能力,探索有趣的现实挑战.
  • To inspire the students to become more skilled in communication, 组织与研究, 这将帮助他们为将来在更高层次的学校教育和工作场所的成功做好准备.

Introduction to electric motors

本课程将向学生介绍电机设计与制造的物理原理. With the help of new technologies and mobile apps, 学生将绘制一个永磁体在空间中不同区域的磁场图,以便了解电机线圈相对于这个永磁体的位置. 以这种方式, 学生将有可能控制磁场下施加于电流的力所涉及的几个参数. 电机线圈的构造将得到协助,以便尽可能快. 使用万用表,学生将能够测量电流并评估施加在线圈上的力. 最后, with the measurements and estimations obtained during this session, the student will be asked to improve the design later on, 第一次数学, 然后实际上.