特蕾莎修女Trevino's profile photo


教授 平面设计 办公地点:公元444年 电话: (210) 841-7221

特蕾莎修女Trevino is a graphic designer and an educator. She holds an MFA on 视觉传达 from the 休斯顿大学 and MA in Design, from California State University, 富勒顿. She has taken workshops with Ken Garland, 大卫Skopec, Duarte Design and Edward Tufte with an emphasis on 信息 Design. Her most recent publication was included in Steven Heller’s Teaching 平面设计历史. She has participated as a guest speaker and instructor in international forums in Peru, 萨尔瓦多, 危地马拉, 墨西哥, Spain and the United States. Following her fifteen years of teaching in Monterrey, 墨西哥, Teresa is currently working at the University of the Incarnate Word, 在圣安东尼奥, 德州, where she has served as program coordinator in the past years and currently as 教授 combining her teaching, research and design practice.

  • 美术硕士. 视觉传达. 休斯顿大学. ANUIES奖学金. 2004.
  • 文学硕士. 平面设计. California State University, 富勒顿. Fulbright-LASPAU. 1995.
  • Bachelor of 平面设计. 蒙特雷大学. 1990.

University of the Incarnate Word. 圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州.
平面设计专业 coordinator. 2019年至今.
教授. 平面设计专业. 2017年至今.
副教授. 平面设计专业. 2015年至今.

唐博斯克大学. 萨尔瓦多, San Salvador.
客座教授. Graphic design graduate program. 12月. 2010.

伊斯特莫大学. 危地马拉,危地马拉城.
客座教授. Graphic design graduate program. 2008.

Columbia University, Teachers College. 纽约,纽约.
与博士合作教学. Judith M. 伯顿博士. 鸠山幸有. 2007年及2008年夏季.

蒙特雷大学. N蒙特雷.L. 墨西哥.
副教授. 研究生 and undergraduate graphic design programs. 2004-2014.
助理教授. 本科 graphic design program. 1992-2004.

休斯顿艺术学院. 休斯顿,德克萨斯州.
兼职教师. 2004年春季.

休斯顿大学. 休斯顿,德克萨斯州.
教学助理. 2002-2003.

  • 平面设计er, Freelance. 自. 1990.
  • Grupo桑塔纳. Concept identity for two restaurants of the group. 2014.
  • Udem / femsa. Executive report and presentation on female talent and gender equality, 2012.
  • 墨西哥CEMEX. Social Responsibility Department. Communication strategy, definition, and digital presentation on sustainable development. 2012.
  • 墨西哥CEMEX. Social Responsibility Department. Communication strategy, definition, and digital presentation on sustainable development. 2010.
  • 墨西哥马塞卡集团. 区域活动. “Esta campana, si suena bien” 1997.
  • Holimaga内部. 企业品牌识别. 1994.
  • 奥尔蒂斯 & 奥特罗. Advertising and Design Agency. 高级设计师. 1992.
  • 阿巴科. Casa de Bolsa. 初级设计师. 1991.
  • Midas, Originales Graficos. 设计的局. 初级设计师. 1990-1991.


Trevino米. T. (2019). “设计的影响. 最后的提醒”. 史蒂芬·海勒(Steven Heller.), Teaching 平面设计历史 (pp. 186). 纽约:奥尔沃思出版社.

Trevino米.T. (2017). “我们设计. Collective Efforts to Inform, Mourn and Change the World”. 通信设计. Interdisciplinary and 平面设计 Research. Special Issue: Expanded Practices in 通信设计, Research and 教育. 第五卷(1) & 2)劳特利奇/泰勒 & 弗朗西斯. ico-D. 2017.

Trevino, Teresa (2013) “通知转换. Social Change through 信息 Graphics”. 动物园的杂志. Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola. 秘鲁利马. 2013



新常态. 国际 Design Congress. Design during Covid-19 times. 网络研讨会. 2020年4月.

En femenino. Contando una Historia del Diseño Gráfico Equitativa. 国会Diseño. Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2019.

Connecting Data People and the Built Environment. Breaking Boundaries to Display 信息 in Non-traditional Spaces. Design Principles and Practices conference, 西班牙巴塞罗那. 2018

Hoy mas que Nunca la Gente es Medio (Now More than Ever, People is the Medium). MX设计大会. Universidad Iberoamericana. 墨西哥城. 2017.

一个更美好世界的图标. 3rd. 国际大会. 作为变革推动者的设计. Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola. 秘鲁利马. 2015.

通知转换. Social Change Through 信息 Graphics. 2ND. 国际大会. 作为变革推动者的设计. Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola. 秘鲁利马. 2013.

The Role of a 平面设计 Student in a City in Conflict. Design Principles and Practices. 国际大会. UCLA, Los Angeles, California. 2012.

双赢. Design Solutions from Academia to Small and Medium Enterprises. 国际大会 of Design and Innovation. 设备接口. Escuela Superior de Diseño. 西班牙巴塞罗那. 2010.

I am a 平面设计er and this is what I Stand For… On Writing your Own Design Manifesto. 国际 Forum of 平面设计 Schools. ENCUADRE. N蒙特雷.L. 墨西哥. 2009.

读懂城市. On Urban Typography and Meaning. 拉丁双年展. 国际大会 of Design Schools. ENCUADRE. 韦拉克鲁斯州,墨西哥. 2006.


不止一个声音. TASA 德州 Association of Schools of Art. Innovation in Uncertainty. 2020虚拟会议. 2020年11月.

People as Medium, Message and Image. Communities Working Together for a Better World. IVLA (国际 Visual Language Association), Chicago, Illinois. 2018.

Letting 学生 Design Their Own Course. AIGA Frontier, Bozeman Montana. 2016.

Is One Semester Enough to Learn About 信息 Design? UCDA 设计教育 Summit. Brookings, South Dakota State University. 2015.

  • AIGA成员. 圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州. 自2015年以来.
  • Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola 国际 Board member. 设计方案.秘鲁利马. 自2014年以来.
  • ENCUADRE. 厄瓜多尔委员会. 国家 Association of Design Schools. 2008-2014.
  • AIGA成员. 休斯顿分会2001-2005.
  • 视觉讲故事

2020 Excellence in the Field. 德州 Association of Schools of Art Virtual Conference: Innovation in Uncertainty.

  • 演讲技巧
  • 平面设计历史
  • 信息 graphics, visualizations, icon systems, maps, diagrams.
  • 设计教育
  • GDSN 1100 Orientation to 平面设计
  • gdsn1390排版1
  • GDSN 2305 Visual Language
  • GDSN 4325 历史 of Comm Design
  • GDSN 4310 GD III: 信息 Design
  • GDSN 4310 Advanced Projects Practicum
  • GDSN 4399专题
  • GDSN 4250 AP: Interactive Design