


The 道成肉身的大学's (校本) Department of Mathematical Sciences offers a graduate program in applied statistics. The 应用统计学理学硕士 (MSAS) degree will provide students with a comprehensive study of the theory and application of probability and statistics with specific emphasis in solving practical problems. 学生, 作为他们学习计划的一部分, will tutor undergraduate students of statistics and work with industry clients on actual projects.

学生 completing the degree will be prepared for professional careers as applied statisticians in a variety of fields, 比如医药, 生物学, 银行, 保险, 环境科学, 和制造业.


The 校本 Department of Mathematical Sciences has been recognized by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), through the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) with a grant to implement a statistical consulting laboratory (the E-Cube lab) into the 应用统计学理学硕士 program.

作为USDA/NIFA资助的一部分, the Department of Mathematical Sciences at 校本 will recruit a total of 11 students for the cohort that will start the program in fall 2013. This cohort will matriculate through a preparation summer course and the five-semester graduate statistics program that will lead to the award of a MSAS in spring 2015.

One student will receive a full tuition scholarship for each of the five semesters through graduation. 剩下的10名学生将在五个学期中每个学期获得津贴. 也, 每学年, three students will be sponsored to attend national conferences and another four students will be sponsored to attend regional meetings.

The creation of the E-cube lab is in alignment with 校本's strategic goal of improving the quality of the MSAS program and the learning experience through practical application of theoretical knowledge that increases students' education, 订婚, 及就业能力(E-Cube).

The MSAS operates in cohorts that start in the fall semester of odd years and it lasts five semesters. 然而, candidates will be asked to complete a free preparation course during the first summer session prior to the beginning of the program in the fall. 学员将在课程结束时参加考试. 通过考试的学生将被正式录取. 不及格的学生将有第二次机会.

学生 admitted to the program will attend the Tutoring and Teaching workshop prior to the beginning of the fall semester. This workshop will prepare MSAS students to complete the first part of the practicum that consists of tutoring and teaching undergraduate students enrolled in statistics courses during the first two semesters of the program. Tutoring will develop students' ability to clearly and concisely explain complex statistical concepts. This ability will be a valuable asset to students working with individuals from diverse backgrounds, 他们中的许多人对统计学的了解有限.

在项目的第一个暑期课程结束时, 学生将学习概率论和统计理论的核心课程, 统计方法和实验设计. 然后, 在第二届夏季会议上, students will attend a workshop on consulting practice where they will learn to work in teams, 使用解决问题的方法, 管理项目, 与客户沟通, 等. Upon completion of this workshop, students will start the second part of their practicum. 学生将被分配到2-3名学生的小组. Each team then will be assigned to a consulting project that local businesses or government institutions have brought to the E-Cube lab. 学生 are expected to participate as statistical experts in a team assembled by the client. The objective is to work cooperatively with the client to find a solution that effectively and efficiently addresses the client's problem.

咨询项目完成后, 学生将写一篇类似论文的报告,介绍他们的咨询工作. They will present the outcome of their project to their client and to the Industry Advisory Board, composed of representatives from local and regional businesses and governmental organizations. 咨询将培养学生与客户沟通的能力, 遵循结构化的方法来解决问题, 在团队环境中工作, 有效沟通, 管理项目, 同时向潜在的雇主展示他们的能力.

The Department of Mathematical Sciences is committed to the success of the MSAS student. 为此目的, the E-Cube lab director will 关闭ly oversee and support student tutoring and consulting activities and student access to statistical software packages needed for course work and consulting. Meetings between faculty and students will be regularly scheduled to review progress and provide advice. Experts in the application of statistical methods will be invited regularly to share their experience and knowledge.


学生 will complete a minimum of 36 hours of approved graduate coursework toward the Master of Science. 这些, three hours will be credited for structured tutoring of undergraduate students and six hours for working on at least one consulting project.


  • 高级概率与统计推断1
  • 高级概率与统计推断2
  • 统计方法一
  • 统计方法二
  • 实验设计
  • 分类数据分析
  • 实习(辅导、咨询)


  • 生存分析与可靠性
  • 时间序列分析与预测
  • 多变量分析


本科GPA不低于3分的申请人.75分或75分以上的学生不需要参加GRE考试就可以参加这个项目. 本科GPA低于3分的申请人.75 are required to take the GRE exam and obtain a minimum combined score for the verbal reasoning and quantitative reasoning of 300 before they can be admitted to the program.

这门课程是为有数学背景的学生设计的, 科学, 工程, 工商管理.

The prerequisite knowledge consists of the following courses which should be completed prior to start of the proposed program.

  • 微积分我
  • 微积分二世
  • 微积分三世
  • 线性代数
  • 概率论和统计学

虽然不是必需的, 建议学生有一些计算机编程(FORTRAN)的经验, C, 等.)和使用统计软件包, 以及一般统计方法和实际分析的本科知识.

A mandatory free preparation course will be offered during the first summer session for those students pre-admitted to the program. 成功完成预备课程后, 学生将被正式录取.


CPO 311圣安东尼奥,得克萨斯州78209



学生 applying for degree seeking status must fulfill the general requirements for admission to the 研究生 School and the following:

  • 18个小时的本科数学
  • GPA 3.数学0分以上
  • GRE语言和数学部分的最低分数为1000分
  • 该领域专业人士的推荐信
  • 与申请一起提交的写作样本
  • 大学预科阶段的教学经验



  • 数学6334抽象代数入门
  • 数学6338欧几里得和非欧几里得几何学
  • 数学6336概论数论
  • 数学6332分析入门
  • 当代数学的历史


  • 数学6370内容和教学法K-5
  • 综合数学/科学K-5
  • 数学6375内容和教学法6-12
  • 综合数学/科学6-8
  • 综合数学/科学9-12


  • 数学6385教学技术
  • 学习理论
  • 数学6348介绍. 数学教育. 点燃.
  • 数学6390顶点数学教学

总时长- 36小时


Dr. 保罗·梅西纳,硕士项目协调员
(210) 832-5665